Monday 15 October 2012

Black Sea and Dead sea: Black sea in the Danger of Becoming Dead Sea

By reading Black Sea ,it often comes into our mind it must be a dead sea or a sea with its water having black  color.We often got confused why it is given the name black sea. Let me help you giving answers for black sea.
First of all. we all should must know some physics concept regarding why some things float and some get drowned into water.Is salinity of water affects this in any way?? so first of all,let me clear some concepts regarding physics .Then only we will be able to know in detail about black sea and dead Sea.
Anything when thrown in water if density of the water being displaced by the body is more than the body then the body will float else the body/thing will be drowned (i.e the body is more denser).

In simple terms ,water should be more denser than the density of the body if anything has to float.

Salinity of water makes the water more denser.Hence humans beings easily float in the dead sea.
Dead sea is also called salt sea which is  8.6 times more saltier than  oceans. Due to which animals can't flourish and hence the name dead sea . It lies in Jordan Rift Valley and its main tributary is Jordan River.
It is 377m deep and is the deepest hypersaline lake in the world.

The dead Sea seawater has a density of 1.240 kg/l which makes swimming similar to floating.
Talking about black sea that is  much wider and bigger than dead sea. but Black sea is in the danger of becoming dead sea.

Black Sea is one of the major water bodies and a famous inland sea of the world.Black Sea happens to be the largest water body with a meromictic basin.That means in the upper layer having oxyzen and in the lower layer having lack of oxyzen (Anoxic) which makes considerable temperature difference among the layers.
The black sea is a house to many smaller islands all along its inland. These islands are about ten in number and are amazing store of fauna and flora that make this sea even more unique that it already is. These islands cover an expanse of three different countries, making each one a unique experience of its own.
Another one of the interesting Black Sea facts is that the water level in this sea always remains the same. Due to absence of any high or low tides, there is no fluctuation in the water level, making it a calm, quiet and serene sea on the surface.

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